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Serenissima Gran Loggia d`Italia
The Grand Unified Lebanese Lodgehttp://gullodge.com/English.htm
Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Portugal (GLNP)Grande Loja Nacional Portuguesahttp://glnp.net/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1
La Grande Loge de Francehttp://www.gldf.org/
Grand National Lodge of Republic of MoldovaMarea Loja Nationala a Republicii Moldovahttp://www.grandlodge.md/
The Grand National Lodge Of RomaniaMarea Loja Nationala a Romaniei (MLNAR)https://mlnar.net/
Swedish Masonic CampGrand Lodge of Swedenhttp://www.frimurarelagret.se/en-index.html
The Grand Lodge of Bulgariahttp://www.vlb.bg/?page_id=179&lang=en
The United Grand Lodge of Russiahttp://mason.ru/ovlr.php?s=1&second=65
Gran Logia de Canariashttp://www.canarianfreemasonry.org/glc/
La Grande Loge Unie du Marochttp://www.grandelogeuniedumaroc.com/en/
The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Upper Indiahttp://www.glui.org/
Grande Loge de BelgiqueGrootloge van Belgiehttp://www.glb.be/NL/index.htm
Gran Logia de Libres y Aceptados Masones de la Republica del Paraguayhttp://www.glparaguay.org/
Gran Logia Confederada de Espanahttp://francmasoneria.blogspot.com/2006/03/obediencias-masnicas-en-espaa.html
Velika Regularna Loža Hrvatske
Golema Regularna Loža Severne Makedonije